Please contact Michael Castro of Providence, RI - USA. His phone number is 401-467-3744. Mike has been collecting old WTS materials for over three decades and amongst the small group of WTS collectors nationwide, he is considered one of the best. Mike's literature has been on display at the annual meetings at the Stanley Theatre in NJ and also at Bethel.
Mike has mademany trips into the Allegheny and Lehigh county areas of PA and visited with many septa & octogenarian bible students who were from the old days and he acquired a lot of literature and made many old friends. Many left their collections to Mike after passing, thus, he has a plethora of rare and unique photos, articles, etc.
I know he will be interested, so tell him "Mario" asked you to call.
Utopian Reformist
JoinedPosts by Utopian Reformist
Buying old Watchtower publications
by Sirona ini'm having a bit of a clear out.
is anyone interested in buying 1917 edition of the finished mystery?
or millennial dawn vol 6?.
Utopian Reformist
Mom is having a full and complete recovery
by Mulan ini haven't posted about my mother for some time, and thought i would let everyone know she is doing very well.
she has recovered completely from her surgery, and is back to the health she had before she got sick last time.. she lost her space at the retirement inn so i have had to find another home for her.
this time she will go to an adult family home run by a woman from bosnia.
Utopian Reformist
Hi Mulan!
Thank you so much for all of your support, concern, cards & letters! You have been a wonderful friend and I am very happy your MOM is doing better and improving! Please give her and your family a giant hug. Keep up the good work and keep her smiling
Do ALL men cheat??
by ChakkaConned ini was watching an old eddie murphy hbo special a few weeks ago where he was talking about relationships.
in his bit, he went off on how all men cheat on their wives and girlfriends.
he was adamant that even the nicest of guys will take the opportunity to cheat if given the chance and that women need to understand that this is the way it is, 100% of the time.
Utopian Reformist
At least, after a 15 year failed marriage, I did NOT succumb to cheating or infidelity. Now, I almost I had so that the marriage would have ended much sooner and saved my Talia from death.
A Message To Mario
by Shakita indear mario,.
i'm glad that you are still here.
i know that you have suffered unbearable grief and despair.
Utopian Reformist
The poem and the song from Valis (which I listen to regularly) have touched me so much and I am in tears at this moment.
I have at least thirty more days to live and experience the love all of you are making me feel! Thx. -
Repost - Disturbing Assembly Program - Obey Organizational Direction
by truthseeker insorry about the double post, i had problems with the computer....
before i go into some parts of the program, here is the program for the following weekend.. .
circuit assembly program 2004-2005. .
Utopian Reformist
I have to tell you folks that after being out so long, any type of interaction with an active JW is annoying and fatiguing. It does try one's patience to hear the same old rhetoric we used to listen and repeat ourselves in the past.
At the funeral, one locally annointed brother (Richard Hardy, Park View Congregation, Cranston, RI) who is a postal worker by day and an overseer, approached me at the services and pulled me aside to say "Mario, I want to talk with you for a moment, it's about the brothers who are concerned for you".
So, I did not say anything and just listened, and then came the ridiculous garbage; "before I say anything I just want you to know I am NOT trying to have spiritual fellowship with you,OK?". I still said nothing and then he mentioned some brothers (elders) that I studied with and helped get baptized, are concerned about me and were asking about my condition. Funny, those brothers never came by the hospital.
Anyway, as each witness passed thru the line offering a quiet handshake, most of them not saying anything at all, and those that spoke only said something about Jehovah, or new system or some other typical garbage, I could not help but get sick, nauseous and disgusted with the abject stupidity, robotic behavior and cult-like patterns all of these fools project in person.
I was so sorry I did not make a formal announcement in the newspaper about a closed service and no JW's. I just wanted to share this because some have mentioned attending one of the assemblies and wondering what it would be like to be there in person and listen to that garbage, and I think it would make any of us ill within minutes and we would just have to leave out of self-respect. -
I went to the memorial service for Talia Balletti.
by hubert ini sent a pm to one of the forum assistants telling him this, and he said i should post and let everyone know how it went.. i didn't want to do this until mario posted first, because it's about his daughter, not mine.
but, i know all you wonderful people out there are waiting for some news on the memorial service, and i think mario is too grief stricken to be able to write right now.
sometimes these things hit you harder after it's all over, because now you have more time to think about it.
Utopian Reformist
I donated all of the items in the subject line above to the "intensive care unit" at Hasbro Children's Hospital in Providence, and also to the Hopsice Care Unit for the Terminally Ill at Roger Williams Hospital, also in Providence. Hopefully, the blankets will continue to give warmth and circulate from person to person.
Please check the main thread on Talia for funeral pictures. Thx again everyone. -
I went to the memorial service for Talia Balletti.
by hubert ini sent a pm to one of the forum assistants telling him this, and he said i should post and let everyone know how it went.. i didn't want to do this until mario posted first, because it's about his daughter, not mine.
but, i know all you wonderful people out there are waiting for some news on the memorial service, and i think mario is too grief stricken to be able to write right now.
sometimes these things hit you harder after it's all over, because now you have more time to think about it.
Utopian Reformist
To my dear friend Hubert:
I am so sorry that in all of the confusion and commotion I did not quickly put two and two together and recognize you sooner in the evening. However, please know for the rest of our lives, we are joined closer than brothers, closer than friends and we are now family!
I only wish I knew your name and could contact you again very soon. When I hugged you goodbye, I wanted to hold on for a long time, but knew another day would come and we could bond in freedom.
I am forever grateful to the entire JWD family for everything doen in behalf of Talia. I have never seen such support in my life. I love you all very much and have been moved to tears so many times form grief, and so many more times from your love.
All I have are simple words and language which do not suffice to convey the intensity of my feelings towards all of you! I wish I could remember all of you at once and publicly express myself, but I am so limited and so weak.
Hubert was right, we were inundated by JW's whom we have not seen or heard from for years due to my DA and Tonya's DF for politics, but now, they decided to take up space at our memorial service. My parents were right in suggesting that I have the announcement in the local newspaper printed with special instructions to the effect that "the immediate family kindly request that Jehovah's Witnesses do not attend out of respect for the family".
A lesson learned for the future. Thx again Hubert (a.k.a. "AL" from the board)! I love you! -
by badboy inshe has cancer and is not expected to live.
she properbly has only a short time to live.
how sad!
Utopian Reformist
My deepest regrets, sincere sorrow and all of my love to your mother and to your family and friends. It is a shame that there is an abundance of morbid news circulating about any number of our friends and associates at JWD.
I hope that the medical staff and everyone else involved can muster some super human efforts and effect a turn around and keep life going for your mother. Do not give up hope. Hang in there and be positive, feel positive and smile as much as possible. -
WHY DO YOU INSIST on clinging to the Bible as anything other than fiction?
by Terry inhave you made the same effort investigating the history of how scripture was written down, compiled, redacted and selected as you did reinforcing your jw doctrines week after week at the kingdom hall?.
if you have; then you know it cannot be factual.. there have always been agendas.
the people with the agendas needed to wield power and using an invisible backup agent was a great device for controlling others.. somebody is always insisting they have an invisible and mysterious source of divine information and selling it like hotcakes and syrup.
Utopian Reformist
After debunking and removing all doubts as to the veracity of any religious holy book, religious belief system, a human may finally realize that it is primarily fear of death and fear of the unknown that are responsible for the creation and development of susperstitious religious beliefs.
Once an individual has made this realization, it is easier to accept the nature of human death, and the lack of knowledge concerning unknown dimensions. It is a refusal to accept death as natural, finite and currently without prevention, that continues supporting, endorsing and promoting illogical, supernatural, occult-like, mystified, superstitious religious doctrine.
The abject refusal and insistence on hopes, rewards, and life ever after in the unknown keeps humans in fear, makes them pliable and easy prey for clergy, and prevents further scientific and medical progress by colluding with politicians.
Religion really needs to be banned everywhere once and for all. -
Jgnat needs our love and support.
by kls ini am grieving tonight, can't stop crying.
my wonderful, strong, capable, practical myrna, my stepmom and all mom to me, has malignant cancer that can't be operated on.
if you are able, send your best prayers and best wishes her way.
Utopian Reformist
All my love, support, comfort, best wishes, hope and positive energy for JGNAT and please do not give up on miracles, suprises or turnarounds. The human spirit is remarkable and please give her strength, show her love and move her spirits with joy, especially laughter and be hopeful.
Don't give in and don't give up! FIGHT BACK!